Hullo from London!
Mom has jetlag and I am just happy to have a fluffy, comfy bed instead of a futon with a bar right where the middle of my spine is, so we are already enjoying our matching twin beds. We have an early morning, but I've neglected this blog for days!
Today we went to a pony club for Lena's weekly pony lesson. It was pretty cute, and the ponies listen better than most dogs. Afterward, Lena's grandmother made steak for lunch, and it was basically raw with about fifteen seconds of cooking on both sides. I choked it down with ketchup.
Speaking of weird food items, yesterday we also had some sort of sea creature for dinner. I ripped the heads and legs off my food, and then I peeled its skin off and dunked the meat in a sauce made from it's own juices. Made me feel rather cruel. The taste wasn't bad, but I prefer my food not so freshly dismembered. First world problem, I know.
Anyway, I love the subway. I've decided that America should get it together in the subway department. It's seriously awesome that you can go just about anywhere in the city for a couple pounds.
Tomorrow will be a more interesting post. Now we must sleep! Bonne nuit!
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