Tuesday, September 18, 2012

For the past few days, in random, quiet moments, I have heard what can only be described a robot sneezing somewhere in the house.  Today I discovered the source:  air freshener that spits bursts of vanilla freshness into the air at will.  Glad that's solved.

Anyway.  Today was pretty quiet too, though I did have a nice walk around town.  Finally found the church, which you wouldn't think would be that hard (given that they're usually the tallest things in town), but this one was kind of short.  It was locked, so I guess I'll have to wait til Sunday to see inside.  On my way back, I stopped at a little souvenir shop, because this 1 mile squared town inexplicably gets enough tourist traffic to warrant a souvenir shop that is open every day.  I bought some post cards and some random stuff for friends and family.  On the way back to the house, I saw this cool little restaurant:

Super cute!  I didn't take many pictures today, so here's a picture of my lunch:

It looks so balanced and healthy!  Usually I don't eat fish, but this kind tasted like the kind Grandpa makes on Fourth of July, except not breaded.  Also, I tried some grapefruit syrup with Pellegrino-- delicious.  I think I'll try the lavender with that tomorrow and see if it's better.  Adding sugar to flat water just isn't that appealing, but bubbles will probably make every flavor of syrup taste better.  

But yeah.  I didn't do a whole lot today, which was fine by me.  Haribo and I sat on the couch while I wrote postcards.  Haribo is the best.  No matter how awkwardly or frequently I pick him up, he doesn't bite.  He even partially consents to be held like a baby sometimes.  

Aww, how can you not love him???  After dinner, Edith, Nico and I sat at the kitchen table for literally four hours talking about differences between the U.S. and France.  From what I understand, France has seriously  got it going on when it comes to education.  However, distribution of wealth, if possible, is worse than ours.  

That's all for today!  Tomorrow I embark on a quest to find the fabled windmill that this town is apparently known for.

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