Saturday, October 6, 2012

Dusk Walk

Just as the light was beginning to fade today, I looked out my window and suddenly decided that I needed to take a walk through the woods.  Dusk is my favorite time, and I didn't want to let this brief part of the day slip away without really doing something to enjoy it, so I slung my purse over my shoulder and bolted out the door.

These are some random shots of the town, since I've been pretty lazy when it comes to the photography aspect of this blog:

Pretty sure those are pomegranates growing on the tree, by the way.

Haribo was curious and followed me through the town and all the way to the base of the mountain, where he sat and just watched until I was out of sight.  It sort of felt like the part in the fairy tale when a character goes into the enchanted woods, and no one will follow because to enter the forest is to cross over into a dangerous realm where all the rules change.

By the time I made it to the ruins, it was starting to get dark for real.  The old windmill looks rather sinister in that light, like it's cursed.

Even though I don't believe in ghosts, in my imagination I saw Daudet sitting on the rocks, gathering inspiration from the woods and the subdued sounds of approaching night.  For one minute, I decided to stand completely still and just listen.  Usually I am too afraid to be still when I'm alone somewhere, perhaps a mile from the nearest person.  I wasn't less afraid than usual when standing there, but I made myself do it anyway and felt braver for it.  The darkening sky and the rustling leaves made me nervous as I continued my journey through the forest, but one of the things I've been hoping to lose during this trip is the panic that often prohibits me from enjoying exhilarating experiences like this.  

I walked all the way up to the top of the little mountain, stood at the rocky top for a few minutes to look at the rolling fields that go all the way to a mountain range on the horizon, and then I walked slowly down. 
The town is lit with beautiful yellow Narnia-style lanterns at night:

The walk was so freeing that upon returning home, I sat right down and filled my writing quota for the day in just an hour and a half.  

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