Sunday, October 14, 2012

French Parties

This evening we went to a birthday party at Edith's friend's house, and I spent most of the time conversing with the children.  It's much easier for me to relate to children here, the vocabulary disparity is smaller than with an adult.  I decided that I like the late twenties and early thirties age group.  They know how to throw really fun parties.

We jumped on the trampoline, drank Coca Cola, threw glowsticks around, and ate lots of delicious strawberry cake from a fancy bakery.  The French listen to a lot of American music, even though they don't understand it, because they like the sound.  It's curious to me that this appreciation of other cultures' music is not something that we seem to cherish back home.  The French have some good stuff, as do other countries.

When the party was over, Edith had had too much to drink, so she gave me the keys and had me follow Nico home.  At first I was terrified, because driving in France seems too chaotic and the French play pretty fast and loose with the rules of the road, but it was just fine.  Good thing Nico has an automatic car, though; almost everyone here has manual, and I flat out don't know what to do with those.

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