Thursday, October 4, 2012

Three Little Things

Today wasn't super eventful and I'm really tired, so I'll just tell you some random things about French life:

It seems to me that the French really do romance better.  All the couples I've seen, young or old, newly dating or married for thirty years, really truly seem in love.  There's a lot of bickering that goes on, it's true, but everyone still holds hands and flirts and kisses in public, no matter how long they've been together.  It's nice.

When I come home, I'm going to miss greeting everyone with three kisses on the cheek.  At first I found the whole thing confusing and awkward, because the U.S. is not that touchy of a society (personally, I'm not even that much of a hug person).  Also, the number of times you kiss is dependent on the region, so it constantly changes, and I'm always confused about when and who to kiss.  What I've learned: kiss pretty much everyone every time you meet and every time you part.  I follow everyone else's lead when it comes to the number.  I've become fond of the ritual, though.  At home, when we leave parties, most of us just shout a, "Bye, everybody!" to the room and take off.  Here, you are forced to say goodbye to every single person in the room.  As a result, I feel close to everyone after only three weeks.  It's a lovely familiar gesture that seems to totally bypass that stage between stranger and friend.

The bugs here are huge.  Like the size of mice.  You may remember that there are mosquitoes the size of drink coasters.  Today there was a 5 inch grasshopper, and I also saw a beetle the size of a bar of soap.  Not a fan of the wildlife.

That is all.

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